CBA 抗击新型冠状病毒知识系列讲座-3 Remdesivir药物及其临床研究
演讲嘉宾:Angela Zeng,M.D.,Ph.D. Yebin Zhou,Ph.D. Dan Zhang,M.D.,MPH
抗疫情,CBA在行动!美国华人生物医药科技协会除了给奋战在抗疫第一线的医务人员捐助防护器材、发动会员和群众为受灾群众募捐以外,决定用自己的专长组织举办抗击新型冠状病毒知识系列讲座,由属下的Biomarker Group和Clinical Regulatory Affair Group联合负责举办。自2月19日开讲以来,已成功地举办了两次了,受到广大群众的热烈反响。
时间:3 月 4 日 周三晚上 8:30-9:30(美东时间); 3月5日 周四上午9:30-10:30 (中国时间)。
讲座形式:线上讲座(webinar) 请事前注册(Register in advance for this meeting is required):
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讲座内容: 1. 新冠病毒的药物研发与公众科普
Yebin Zhou, Ph.D. Dr. Zhou was trained as a geneticist and immunologist at University of Alabama at Birmingham. He completed his postdoc training in autoimmune research at MedImmune, AstraZenecca. Since then, Dr. Zhou has joined AbbVie as a senior scientist in Immuno-Oncology. In his spare time, Dr. Zhou also enjoyed writing popular science online.
2. Remdesivir临床试验的解析及新冠肺炎疫情应对的探讨
Angela Zeng, M.D., Ph.D., Vice president of CBA, Clinical Study Physician in Ascentage Pharma. Dr. Zeng is a well-trained surgeon and medical scientist. She has near 20 years’ experience in clinical medicine and currently serves as a study physician leading global clinical trials for early development of new drugs.
3. 中美新冠病毒临床试验之比较
Dan Zhang, MD, MPH, the Executive Chairman of Fountain Medical Development (FMD), a clinical CRO with 1700 employees operating in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, UK, India, Philippines, Armenia & USA. He also served as General Secretary of “Thousands of Talents Program”.Before founding FMD in 2007, Dr. Zhang was the Head of Clinical Development and Head of Safety Assessment at Sigma-Tau Research Inc., a leading Italian Pharmaceutical Company. Prior to that, he was the Vice President at the Quintiles Transnational Corp., the world largest clinical CRO, and Chairman of Quintiles Medical Development (Shanghai) Company Ltd.