Innovations amid Crisis: A Productive Year of Biopharma Industry

August 29 – 30, 2020 | Zoom Online Meeting | FREE

At this year’s CBA Annual Conference, biopharmaceutical industry leaders, regulatory and scientific experts from the US, China, UK, and Canada will discuss recent research advances on COVID-19 and new trends in the biopharma industry. The latest developments in COVID-19 macro-management, epidemiology, vaccine and drug development, and FDA regulation policies will be extensively discussed. Exciting new developments in the fields of cell and gene therapy, human longevity, and cancer drug development will also be covered in the conference.

This Conference is sponsored by Maryland Department of Commerce, with support from CBA-Canada and Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America (SCBA) DC Chapter.

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to learn from the industry experts, engage with your peers, and re-connect with your network community!

Download the Conference Program Booklet Here

​》》Conference Agenda

Day One: August 29, 2020 Saturday

Welcome to CBA 25th Annual Conference

7:20-7:30       Dr. Dazhi (Alex) Lai, CBA President

Opening Remarks

7:30-7:35       Hon. John C. Wobensmith, Maryland Secretary of State

Maryland Ecosystem for Pharmaceutical Innovations

7:35-7:50        Dr. Ernesto Chanona, Senior Manager, Office of BioHealth and Life Sciences, Maryland Department of Commerce

                       Felicia M. Pullam, Regional Manager, East Asia, Maryland Department of Commerce

Session I: Covid-19 Pandemic Impact and Management

Chairs: Dr. Richard Zhao, Professor, University of Maryland

              Dr. Yuling Wu, Head of Discovery Bioanalysis US, AstraZeneca

8:00-8:35       Dr. George F. Gao. Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences;  Director of Center of Disease Control, China.

                      Keynote Speech:  COVID-19: Challenge and Opportunity.

8:35-9:10       Dr. Peter Stein. Director, Office of New Drugs, FDA. 

Keynote Speech: Drug Regulations in the Time of COVID-19: Trials (and Tribulations)

9:10-9:35       Dr. Mark Esser. VP and Head of Microbial Sciences, AstraZeneca. 

                      The Great Race of Mercy 2020

9:35-10:00     Dr. Wen-Hong Zhang. Professor, Fudan University Huashan Hospital.

                      High Effective Preparedness and Response Strategies to Public Health Emergencies

10:00-10:25   DrAnant Jani. Oxford University. 

                     COVID-19’s Aftermath: Lessons from the 2008 Global Financial Crisis

Session II: COVID-19 Prevention, Treatment and Epidemiology

Chairs:  Dr. Mitchell Ho, Senior Investigator, NIH

              Dr. Julia Xing, CEO, XPrecision

10:25-11:00   Dr. Nilanjan Chatterjee. Professor, Johns Hopkins University

                      Keynote SpeechIndividual and Population-Level Risk Assessment for COVID-19 Mortality in US.

11:00-11:25   Dr. Jinghua Yan. Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 

                      Neutralizing mAbs for SARS-CoV-2

11:25-11:50   Dr. Shou-Bai ChaoCOO, CanSino Biologics. 

                     Development of an Effective Vaccine Against COVID-19

11:50-12:15   Dr. Joan Shen. CEO, I-Mab Biopharma. 

                     GM-CSF as a Potential Treatment Option for Cytokine Release Syndrome Associated with Severe COVID-19

12:15-12:40   Dr. Dong Shen. CEO, RNAimmune. 

                     Frontiers of COVID-19 Vaccine Development

Day Two: August 30, 2020 Sunday

Session III: COVID-19 Virology

Chairs Dr. Xuefeng Liu, Professor, Georgetown University;

                Dr. Zhi-Ming Zheng, Senior Investigator, NIH

8:00-8:30    Dr. Tongqing Zhou, Chief, Structural Bioinformatics Core Section, VRC, NIH. 

                   Structural Biology of SARS-CoV-2 and Structure-Based Vaccine Design

8:30-9:00    Dr. Yang Liu. Professor, University of Maryland. 

                  Pattern Recognition of Danger-Associated Molecular Patterns and Immunotherapy of COVID-19

Session IV: Vaccine Development Keynote Speech

Chair: Helen Mao, VP of CBA

9:00-9:35     Dr. George Siber. Director and Co-Founder, Affinivax; Adjunct Professor, Johns Hopkins University.   

                    Keynote Speech: Bacterial Conjugate Vaccines – Status in 2020

Session V: Cell and Gene Therapy

Chairs: Dr. Xiaobin Victor Lu, SVP, Innovative Cellular Therapeutics

             Dr. Xu-Rong Jiang, Director of Quality and Technology, AstraZeneca

9:35-10:10    Dr. Frank Fan. Co-Founder and CSO, Legend Biotech.   

                     Clinical Progress & Global Competition in BCMA-targeted Immunotherapy

10:10-10:35  Dr. Yihong Yao. CSO, Cellular Biomedicine Group (CBMG). 

                     Building a Competitive Cell Therapy Pipeline for Cancer Patients

10:35-11:00   Dr. Mitchell Ho. Senior Investigator, NIH.    

                     GPC-3 as a Liver Cancer Target of CAR T Cell Therapy

Section VI: CBA Former Presidents Special: New Breakthroughs in Health and Disease

Chairs: Dr. Frank LI, Founder, BLA Regulatory

              Dr. Song Wu, Associate Director of Oncology Translational Medicine, AstraZeneca

11:00-11:30   Dr. Dajun Yang. CEO, Ascentage Pharma. 

                     Signals of Life and Death: Harnessing Apoptosis to Treat Cancers

11:30-12:00   Dr. Wei-Wu He. Executive Chairman, Human Longevity Inc.   

                     Scientific Solutions for Human Longevity and Performance

Closing Remarks

12:00-12:20      Dr. Chuanhua Julia Xing, CBA Immediate Past President

Announcement of CBA’s President-Elect for 2021-2022

12:20-12:30    Dr. Dazhi (Alex) Lai, CBA President

》》Speakers Biography in No Paticular Order

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Shou-Bai Chao, Ph.D.

Dr. Shou-Bai Chao is currently Chief Operations Officer of CanSinoBIO (6185.HK). He is a senior executive and well-sought industry leader who brings comprehensive perspective with more than 25 years’ experience from AstraZeneca, Wyeth, Sanofi-Pasteur and Genentech in global vaccine and biopharmaceutical process and product development, manufacturing operations, quality assurance and business management.

Dr. Chao is the former Senior Vice President at AstraZeneca (MedImmune). Prior to joining CanSinoBIO in 2018, Dr. Chao was leading AstraZeneca’s Bioventure business unit to develop Biosimilars and BioBetters for global markets with leading biotech companies in US, Europe, China and other Asian countries.

Dr. Chao joined MedImmune, a Biopharmaceutical Division of AstraZeneca in 2008 as Vice President of Vaccines Manufacturing, responsible for global operations of its vaccine business. During 2009 H1N1 Pandemic, Dr. Chao led the team and developed and licensed the first H1N1 Pandemic FluMist vaccine in US which was ahead of all other companies and was well recognized by the HHS and the industry. Dr. Chao was promoted to Senior Vice President of Technical Operations and Manufacturing in 2010 at AstraZeneca, responsible for global operations of commercial and later stage clinical products (vaccines and antibodies) manufacturing and technical operations.

Prior to joining MedImmune, Dr. Chao served as Assistant Vice President, Technical Operations and Product Supply at Wyeth Biotech (Pfizer).  He was responsible for global technical operations for flagship vaccines and other biopharmaceutical products.

Dr. Chao earned his doctorate degree and completed his postdoctoral fellowship in biochemical engineering from University of Waterloo, Canada. He can be reached at email   SBCHAO@OUTLOOK.COM.

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Nilanjan Chatterjee, Ph.D.

Dr. Nilanjan Chatterjee is a Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Biostatistics and Genetic Epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University, with appointments in the Department of Biostatistics in the Bloomberg School of Public Health and in the Department of Oncology in the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center in the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. He was formerly the chief of the Biostatistics Branch of the National Cancer Institute’s Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics.

Dr. Chatterjee leads a broad research program in quantitative research that cuts across multiple areas of modern population-based biomedical science including statistical genetics/genomics, precision medicine and big data.  The scientific goals of his studies include discovery of new biomarkers, understanding disease mechanisms, characterizing disease risk and developing risk-stratified approaches to disease prevention.  He has extensively collaborated in recent genome-wide association studies that have led to identification new cancer susceptibility SNPs, provided characterization of heritability, genetic architecture and gene-environment interaction, and led to better understanding of potential for genetic risk stratification for cancer prevention.

Dr. Chatterjee is a recipient of numerous awards, including Fellow of the American Statistical Association (2008), Mortimer Spiegelman Award (2010), George W. Snedecor Award (2011), COPSS Presidents’ Award (2011), Gertrude Cox Award (2011) and Elected Member of the American Epidemiologic Society (2012).

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Mark Esser, Ph.D.

Dr. Esser is Vice President of Microbial Sciences at AstraZeneca. In this role he is accountable for AstraZeneca’s overall drug discovery, translational research and clinical development of innovative medicines targeting for the microbiome, infectious disease and in vivo expressed biologics. He is experienced in drug discovery through registrational and post-marketing studies and has contributed to 4 different biologics licensing agreements. He has several patents and is widely recognized for his contributions to infectious disease research and global health with over 75 peer-reviewed publications. Dr. Esser received his B.S. in biochemistry from Case Western Reserve University, his doctorate in microbiology and immunology from University of Virginia and did his postdoctoral fellowship at the AIDS vaccine program at the NIH.

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Frank Fan, M.D., Ph.D.

Dr. Fan is the co-founder of Legend Biotech and currently serves the company as the Chief Scientific Officer. Dr. Fan received his medical degree at Xi’an Jiaotong University in 1993 and worked as a surgical resident in the kidney Transplantation Centre of the university before he pursued his Ph.D. in applied immunology at Hiroshima University, Japan. He completed his postdoctoral training at the Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Canada where he became recognized as an expert in the field of the mechanism of human B cell tolerance.

Dr. Fan has been published in numerous peer-reviewed academic journals, including an original article published in Nature Medicine which lead to a major revision in the clinical guidelines of pediatric organ transplantation. Dr. Fan’s scientific achievement paved the way by showing that small children can be safely transplanted with ABO blood group mismatched organs, and saved many lives of infant patients. Dr. Fan was awarded the“New Key Opinion Leader”award by The Transplantation Society in 2006.

Dr. Fan founded Legend Biotech in 2015 and the company grew into a global leader in cancer immunotherapy in just 5 years. A bispecific BCMA-targeting CAR-T product Dr. Fan invented entered a global partnership with Janssen to co-develop the global markets. The product received breakthrough designation from the FDA and PRIME scheme from the EMA. Dr. Fan is now leading the world’s largest cell therapy R&D team and is devoted to inventing more innovative technologies for treating solid tumors and other diseases.

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George F. Gao, DPhil (Oxon), MSc

Dr. Gao currently holds several positions:

  • Director-General, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC)
    • Vice President, National Natural Science Foundation of China
  • Director and Professor, CAS Key Laboratory of Pathogenic Microbiology and Immunology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Visiting professor, Oxford University

His Society services Include:

  • President of Chinese Society of Biotechnology
  • Vice president of Chinese Medical Association
  • Vice Chair of Division of Virology, International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS)

Dr.  Gao obtained his PhD (DPhil) degree from Oxford University, UK and did his postdoc work in both Oxford University and Harvard University (with a brief stay in Calgary University). His research interests include enveloped viruses and molecular immunology. His group research is mainly focusing on the enveloped virus entry and release, esp. influenza virus interspecies transmission (host jump), structure-based drug-design and structural immunology. He is also interested in virus ecology, esp. the relationship between influenza virus and migratory birds or live poultry markets and the bat-derived virus ecology and molecular biology. He has published more than 600 refereed papers (Including papers in Cell, Nature, Science, The Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA etc.), 17 books or book chapters and holds more than 25 UK, US and Chinese patents. His research has recently expanded on public health policy and global health strategy. He led the China CDC team in 2014 (From September to November, when the disease went to its sky-high level) to work in Sierra Leone for fighting against Ebola and his heroic role there has made a great deal for the field work. He works hard now for establishing an Africa-based center for pathogens and tropical diseases.

Dr. Gao is a member (academician) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (elected in 2013), a fellow of The Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS, also known as The World Academy of Sciences, elected in 2014), a fellow of American Academy of Microbiology (AAM, elected in 2015); an associate (foreign) member of European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO, elected in 2016), a fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS, elected in 2016), a fellow of Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE, elected in 2017), a fellow of African Academy of Sciences (AAS, elected in 2017), a member (academician) of International Eurasian Academy of Sciences (IEAS, elected in 2019), a foreign associate of National Academy of Sciences (NAS, elected in 2019), a member of National Academy of Medicine (NAM, elected in 2019), a member of Brazilian Academy of Sciences (BAS, elected in 2019), a member of The German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.

Dr. Gao is a recipient of several international and national awards, including Thompson Reuters Research Front Award (2008), TWAS Medical Prize (2012), Nikkei Asian Prize (Japan 2014), Tan Jiazhen (C. C. Tan) Grand Scientific Achievement Prize (2014) and Life Science Innovation Award (2008), HLHL S&T Advancement Award (2015), JP Wu-Paul Janssen (Medical and Pharmaceutical) Award (2015), Japanese Foreign Minister’s Commencement (2015), Shulan Medical Sciences Award (2016), the Gamaleya Medal (Russia 2018) and HKU Centennial Distinguished Chinese Scholar (2019).

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Wei-Wu He, Ph.D.

Dr. Wei-Wu He received a Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from Nanjing University, P. R. China. Dr. He was funded by the CUSBEA (China–United States Biochemistry Examination and Application) program in 1986 and received his Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from Baylor College of Medicine. He conducted cancer research at Mayo Clinic and at Massachusetts General Hospital for many years. In 1993, Dr. He joined Human Genome Sciences, Inc., the world’s first large-scale genomics company, founded by Dr. Venter. In 1996, he founded OriGene Technologies, Inc. and then established Emerging Technology Partners, LLC (ETP), which focused on early-stage venture capital in biomedical field in 2000. ETP has invested and founded more than 50 companies, including CASI pharmaceuticals, Inc, Genetron Health, Inc, Clinical Data, Inc., Dynavax Technology, Inc, MacroGenics, Inc. Dr. He is currently the chairman of CASI pharmaceuticals, Inc, OriGene Technologies, Inc, Genetron Health, Inc, Juventas and Human Longevity Inc.

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Mitchell Ho, Ph.D.

Dr. Mitchell Ho is a Senior Investigator, the Deputy Chief of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology and the Director of the Antibody Engineering Program at the Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH). Dr. Ho is also the Chair of the Department of Biochemistry for FAES Graduate School at the NIH. He is a member of the Board of Directors for the Antibody Society and the Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Chinese Antibody Society, and the Editor-in-Chief of Antibody Therapeutics (Oxford University Press). Dr. Ho studies the biology of cancer driven by cell surface proteins, such as mesothelin and glypicans (e.g. GPC3, GPC2), in broad scientific fields of molecular biology with focus on ligand/receptor interactions, antibody/nanobody engineering, and cancer immunotherapy. He has received many honors including the APAO Scientific Achievement Award, NIH DDIR Innovation Award, and NCI Director’s Innovation Award.

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Anant Jani

Dr. Jani is an Oxford Martin Fellow at the Oxford Martin School at the University of Oxford as well as an Advisory Board member for Value Based Managed Care GmbH, a subsidiary of the Gothaer Group and IC2PerMed (Integrating China in the International Consortium for Personalized Medicine –  Anant currently works on understanding how to utilize digital health, big data and analytics to address social determinants and making healthcare systems more sustainable.  Prior to this, he served as the Executive Director of Better Value Healthcare, a boutique advisory firm supporting national, regional and local healthcare systems in England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Singapore, Canada and the US.  He received his PhD from Yale University and undergraduate degrees from Brandeis University. 

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Yang Liu, Ph.D.

Dr. Liu is a Professor and the Director at Division of Immunotherapy, Institute of Human Virology, University of Maryland Baltimore. He also serves as Chairman of OncoImmune, Inc. Dr. Liu’s laboratory established Sialoside-based pattern recognition as a mechanism of self-nonself discrimination in innate immunity. Dr. Liu co-founded and led OncoImmune, Inc that obtained clinical proof-of-concept data in a multi-center, randomized double blind clinical phase II trial showing that our first-in-class new drug significant increase overall survival of leukemia patients receiving hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The Company will soon finish a double-blinded randomized Phase III clinical trial testing the significance of this pathway in treating severe and critical COVID-19 patients. Dr. Liu is a recipient of many awards and honors, including Irvington Fellowship, Markey Scholar Award, Searle Scholar Award, AAAS Fellow, League of Research Excellence, University of Michigan, and Snyder Award for outstanding cancer research, George Washington University. 

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Felicia Pullman

Felicia is Regional Manager for East Asia, Maryland Department of Commerce. She assists Chinese companies that want to establish operations in Maryland. She coordinates Maryland’s strategy to promote foreign direct investment (FDI) from around the world. She also helps Maryland companies expand to China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia.

Before joining the Maryland team, Felicia was the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Textiles, Consumer Goods, and Materials at the U.S. Department of Commerce where she oversaw trade policy implementation for a large swath of the U.S. economy. She also served as the Director of Outreach and Communications for SelectUSA, the federal program to promote FDI into the United States.

Prior to her federal service, Felicia helped lead trade and FDI for the State of Delaware, after spending nearly a decade in China managing APCO Worldwide’s China and Asia-wide Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability practices. She got her start in international affairs in 2000 through the Princeton in Asia program in Guangzhou, followed by a yearlong adventure as tutor and translator for Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi.

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Ernesto Chanona, Ph.D.

Ernesto is currently Senior Manager, Office of BioHealth and Life Sciences, Maryland Department of Commerce.

Ernesto focuses on the economic development of the biotechnology and medtech sectors for the State of Maryland. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the Johns Hopkins University, Center for Biotechnology Education. He trained as a cancer immunologist and worked in the pre-clinical development of immunotherapies at the National Cancer Institute.

As a business and innovation development expert, Ernesto helps local companies overcome challenges in commercialization. These include obtaining funding, real estate, academic research partners, federal lab innovations and connections to local CXOs. He has developed a program called the Maryland Innovation and Technology Series that fosters the transfer of technology and talent from the National Institutes of Health to Maryland’s biotechnology companies.

Internally, Ernesto serves as a market analyst. His primary research interests include the growth, structure and dynamics of biotechnology hubs. By analyzing the relationships between the stakeholders in industry, the output of biotechnology talent pipelines, the priorities of government agencies, and the appetite of investment community, he develops local and international strategies that best foster the growth of industry.

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Dong Shen, Ph.D., M.D.

Dr. Dong Shen is founder and CEO of RNAimmune, Inc. Dr. Shen graduated with PhD degree from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine with Dr. Bert Vogelstein and MD degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. Dr. Shen led numerous TCGA projects, breast cancer project with Dr. Elaine Mardis from WashU genome institute, AML project with Dr. Tim Lay and Dr. Matt Walter from WashU school of medicine, and MDS project with Dr. Tim Graubert from Harvard school of medicine. Dr. Shen has extensive drug development experience in AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson, having led projects across multiple therapeutic areas with high unmet medical need. Dr. Shen was the recipient of Johnson & Johnson leadership award in 2018 and innovation award in 2017. All his manuscripts have been published at the most influential journals, such as Science, Nature, Cell, JAMA, New England Journal of Medicine, and etc. The total number of publications citations is over 17,700.  Currently, Dr. Shen and his team are developing mRNA vaccine and antibodies fighting against novel coronavirus outbreak.

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Joan (Huaqiong) Shen, Ph.D.

Dr. Shen obtained her PhD in life science and is a licensed physician with board certification in US. She had postdoctoral trainings in endocrinology, psychopharmacology and clinical pharmacology. Being responsible for global clinical development programs cross phase 1-4, she worked in Eli Lilly & Co, Wyeth and Pfizer in US, and gained extensive experiences of working with FDA, EMEA, CFDA, PMDA, KFDA and etc.

Joan was sent by Pfizer in 2011 as the China Clinical Head. She later joined Hengrui Pharmaceutical as the CMO. In Hengrui, she built the largest clinical team among China domestic pharmas and led the successful conduction of clinical trials in China, USA and Australia. Joan joined Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson as the Development Head of China in 2015, where she led multiple successful NDA approvals in China. During this time, she is elected as the co-chair of RDPAC R&D core team and played very important role in authoring “Fostering a Sustainable Ecosystem for Drug Innovation in China”. Joan joined I-Mab Biopharma as the Head of R&D in 2017 and was promoted to CEO in October 2019.

Joan is elected as the executive committee member of China New Drug Research Evaluation Committee. She holds academic positions as the guest professor of Beijing University Clinical Research Institute and was the adjunctive professor of Indiana University School of Medicine.

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George Siber, M.D.

Dr. Siber is an infectious disease trained physician with more than 40 years of experience in developing vaccines and antibody products. From 1996 to 2007, Dr. Siber served as Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer of Wyeth Vaccines (now Pfizer). While at Wyeth, Dr. Siber led the development and approval of multiple innovative childhood vaccines, including Prevenar7 and Prevenar13, the first pneumococcal conjugate vaccines which have had a significant impact on mortality globally and which have achieved multibillion dollar revenues;  Rotashield, the first rotavirus diarrhea vaccine, Meningitec, the first meningococcal meningitis conjugate vaccine and FluMist, the first nasal influenza vaccine. Prior to Wyeth, Dr. Siber was Director of the Massachusetts Public Health Biologic Laboratories and a Harvard Medical School Associate Professor of Medicine at Dana Farber Cancer Institute. During this time, Dr. Siber led the research and manufacturing of multiple vaccines and immune globulins including Respigam, a human immune globulin against respiratory syncytial virus. Dr. Siber currently is a Co-founder and Board Member of Affinivax and serves on the BOD of Genocea. Dr. Siber is a member of the SAB of CureVac, Valneva, Vaxess, AdVaccine and ILiAD and serves as a consultant to the Gates Foundation, PATH and the Wellcome Trust. Dr Siber has received multiple awards including the 2016 Albert Sabin Gold Medal in vaccinology. Dr. Siber holds an MD degree from McGill University in Canada, received post‑doctoral training in Internal Medicine at Rush‑Presbyterian Hospital in Chicago and Beth Israel Hospital in Boston and training in Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology at Children’s Hospital and Beth Israel Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston. 

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Peter Stein, M.D.

Dr. Stein is the Director of CDER’s Office of New Drugs (OND). OND is responsible for the regulatory oversight of investigational studies during drug development and decisions regarding marketing approval for new (innovator or non-generic) drugs, including decisions related to changes to already marketed products. OND provides guidance to regulated industry on a wide variety of clinical, scientific, and regulatory matters. A nationally-recognized leader in pharmaceutical research and development, Dr. Stein joined CDER in 2016 as the OND Deputy Director. Before coming to FDA, he served as Vice President for late stage development, diabetes, and endocrinology at Merck Research Laboratories. He also served as Vice President, head of metabolism development at Janssen. He has more than 30 years of academic, clinical, and industry experience. Dr. Stein holds a bachelor’s degree in history from the University of Rochester in New York and a medical degree from University of Pennsylvania. He trained at Yale University and Yale-New Haven Hospital in internal medicine and in endocrinology and metabolism.

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John C. Wobensmith

John C. Wobensmith was appointed as the Secretary of State by Maryland Governor Larry Hogan in January 2015 and confirmed by the Maryland State Senate in February 2015.                          

The Secretary of State is responsible for handling certain executive functions including Executive Orders, extraditions and requisitions, pardons and commutations, public disclosures with persons doing business with the State, certifying candidates for nomination by a principal political party on the presidential primary ballot. The Secretary of State chairs the Governor’s Subcabinet on International Affairs, which is responsible for evaluating the State’s international activity, devising a coordinated strategy that enhances Maryland’s competitiveness in world markets, and overseeing protocol functions. The Maryland Sister States Program is also conducted under the auspices of the Office of Secretary of State.

Secretary Wobensmith has over 45 years of experience in the national security field. He began his career at the National Security Agency from 1967 to 1993 with various critical assignments and served three different tours at the White House. From 1993 to 1997, he was the senior U.S. Department of Defense representative in Turkey. Secretary Wobensmith has also served as a Senior Advisor and Vice President for Development of the American Foreign Policy Council (2005-08), Vice President for External Affairs and Lecturer in Intelligence for the Institute of World Politics (1999-05), and Vice President for International Marketing for Sensys Technologies, Inc. (1997-98).

Secretary Wobensmith received a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Pennsylvania, served in the U.S Navy, and is a graduate of the National War College. He is a recipient of the National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal, the Secretary of Defense Meritorious Civilian Service Award, and the National Security Agency Meritorious Civilian Service Award. In 2016, he was awarded the prestigious Ellis Island Medal of Honor by the National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations (NECO). The Secretary resides in Annapolis and has been married to his wife, Judi, for 50 years. He has two children and four grandchildren.

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Jinghua Yan, Ph.D.

Dr. Jinghua YAN, a professor and Principle Investigator in Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

She obtained Ph.D from Institute of Bioengineering, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, and joined in Institute of Microbiology in 2004. She became a Principle Investigator in 2014. She mainly focuses on the development of vaccines and therapeutic antibodies. Dr. Yan’s Group developed subunit vaccine for H5/H7 Avian influenza and dimer subunit vaccine for MERS and SARS-CoV-2. She has developed the humanized antibodies against MERS coronavirus, and screened out the human neutralizing antibodies of Zika virus, RVFV, and SARS-CoV-2.

She has published more than 90 papers (Including papers in Nature, Science, Cell, Sci Transl Med, Cell Res, etc.), and holds more than 20 patents. She has obtained one Second Class Prizes of The State Scientific and Technological Progress Award in 2014, one First Class Prizes of Science and Technology Award form Chinese Preventive Medicine Association in 2017 and the Outstanding Scientific Research Team Award of Qiu Shi in 2019.、

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Dajun Yang, Ph.D.

Dr. Dajun Yang is the Chairman and CEO of Ascentage Pharma. Dr. Yang has dedicated his career to the research on apoptosis and innovative drug R&D for nearly 30 years. In 2009, he co-founded Ascentage Pharma and made major breakthroughs in the research of development of precision drugs targeting apoptosis and autophagy dual-channel regulation. Ascentage Pharma is the only company in the world that researches and develops innovative drugs targeting all of these pathways. Ascentage Pharma currently has eight potential “First-in-class” or “Best-in-class” innovative drug candidates in Phase I/II clinical developments in China, the United States and Australia. Dr. Yang has undertaken nearly ten National Science and Technology Major Projects such as the National High-tech R&D Program (the “863 Program”) and the Major Innovative Drug Developments program. The team led by Dr. Yang has won multiple awards such as the Major Innovation Team of Suzhou and Jiangsu, the First Jiangsu Innovation Competition Team Award, and the R&D Achievement of the Year 2017 from the BayHelix Group. Dr. Yang is the recipient of the 2018 “Dushu Lake Prize” for the Most Influential Leader in Drug R&D, an award widely recognized in the field drug R&D. Dr. Yang was the president of Chinese Biopharmaceutical Association-USA from 2005 to 2006 and has concurrently served as professor and Ph.D. supervisor at Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, vice director of the Drug R&D Specialty Committee of China Pharmaceutical Innovation and Research Development Association, and part-time researcher in Pharmaceutical Innovations at Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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Yihong Yao, Ph.D.

Dr. Yihong Yao is the chief scientific officer of Cellular Biomedicine Group, Inc (CBMG).  He is responsible for development of cell therapy clinical pipeline, implementation of translational medicine strategies, and plays a key role in all phases of clinical development at CBMG.

Previously Dr. Yao was director and head of Pharmacogenomics and Bioinformatics at MedImmune/Astrazeneca. He served on the executive team for immune-oncology pipeline development at MedImmune/Astrazeneca. He also worked at Abbott Bioresearch Center focusing on development of biomarker for preclinical and clinical development.

Dr. Yao has authored over 60 peer-reviewed publications, edited two books and has over issued 20 patents.

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Wenhong Zhang, M.D.

Dr. Zhang Wen-Hong (张文宏) is Professor and Head of the Center for Infectious Disease, Huashan Hospital of Fudan University in Shanghai. As the Chief of the Department of Internal Medicine of Fudan University in Shanghai, Dr. Zhang is the leader of Shanghai’s Anti-COVID-19 clinical expert team. He has extensive experience with the diagnosis and treatment of various emerging infectious diseases. Dr. Zhang is a graduate of Shanghai Medical University and has held visiting scholar and postdoctoral fellow positions at the Department of Microbiology at the University of Hong Kong, Harvard Medical School and Illinois State University at Chicago.

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Tongqing Zhou, Ph.D.

Dr. Tongqing Zhou is Chief of the Structural Bioinformatics Section, Vaccine Research Center, NIAID, NIH. His research mainly focuses on structural basis of broadly neutralizing HIV-1 antibodies and structure-based design and testing of novel vaccines for HIV. Recently, Dr. Zhou also expanded his research into other infectious diseases, such as SARS-CoV-2, RSV, Influenza, hPIV, Zika, MERS and HCMV. Dr. Zhou has published more than 80 peer-reviewed research papers in profession journals, including Nature, Science and Cell.  He is a Clarivate Analytics (Thompson Reuters) Highly Cited Researcher in Microbiology in 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018 and 2019, and recipient of NIAID Merit Awards. Dr. Zhou is co-inventor of several patents on potential HIV, RSV and HPIV vaccines and therapeutic antibodies, of which broadly neutralizing antibody VRC01 is in advanced clinical trial.

Dr. Zhou received B.S. in Biochemistry from Wuhan University, China, in 1989 and Ph.D. in Cell Biology from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1994. Before joining the VRC in September 2001, Dr. Zhou was a postdoctoral research associate at Wayne State University School of Medicine, where he obtained his x-ray crystallography training and M. Sc. in Electrical and Computer Controlled Systems. For more information, please visit:

About the Conference

CBA’s Annual Conference is a leading life science forum, attracting the most influential organizations, scientists, physicians, regulators, investors, and executives from China and US. It is not only an ideal platform to discuss the most recent scientific, regulatory, and business developments, but also creates opportunities for investment and partnership between the US and China.

About CBA

CBA is one of the largest Chinese American professional associations in the US. Founded in 1995, CBA is an independent, non-political, not-for-profit professional organization, with more than 8,000 members, of which over 80% have Ph.D. degrees. Many internationally renowned scientists including Nobel laureates, business leaders, and high-ranking US and Chinese government officials have attended and spoken at CBA’s annual conferences. CBA’s events and members have been covered by a number of prestigious scientific journals, business magazines, and news media such as Nature, Science, Thomson Reuters, China Central Television (CCTV), PR Newswire, BioPortfolio, and Bioprocess International.

CBA is headquartered in the Greater Washington area, which is the US’s leading biotech cluster. Many of CBA’s members work at renowned institutions, research facilities, biotech/pharmaceutical companies, and top universities in the world, including the FDA, National Institutes of Health, AstraZeneca/MedImmune, GlaxoSmithKline, Johns Hopkins University, George Washington University, Georgetown University, and University of Maryland.